Rhianna is going home ALONE

7 04 2009

After being beaten and abused by one of the music world’s FORMER favorites, Rhianna finally decides to takes a stand and leave Chris Brown’s pathetic ass behind.  Following her vacation in Hawaii and LA (where she spend time recouping with friends), she headed back to her home town of Barbados without Chris Brown anywhere in sight.  You go girl!  Walk away and don’t EVER look back.

Several weeks ago, when Rhianna confronted Chris about a “booty call” text message he had received, he decided to skip right past apologizing and explaining himself, and instead decided to beat the snot out of her.  Hummm…nice apology a-hole!

And that’s not even the worst part… After Brown decided to apologize to Rhianna (you’re a little late loser), and the entire world for his horrific behavior, Rhianna chose to stick by his side.  WTF?  Seriously, its so sad when girls become so consumed and controlled by a man that they end up staying in a relationship that literally tears them apart.

Domestic violence is a HUGE problem for women, and it doesn’t matter if you are being mentally, physically, or emotionally abused, they ALL count, they all matter, and they all are considered forms of ABUSE.

I know that it can be incredibly hard to let someone go and to come to the realization that they are not good for you.  However, sometimes it has to be done…You have to bite the bullet and make a decision to stand up for yourself and leave the baggage behind.

It’s great to see that Rhianna has realized this and has chosen to take the high road.  Although Chris Brown NEVER deserved a second chance in the first place, it’s better late than never.

Jesus ditches Madonna for some younger Booty

26 03 2009

The latest juicy gossip in the world of the rich and the famous is not so fabulous for Madonna.  Apparently, her new and significantly younger model boyfriend, Jesus Luz (pictured below), couldn’t keep his hands or lips off his supposed “friend” Luciana Costa.

Jesus Luz and Madonna

Jesus Luz and Madonna

Last time I checked, you don’t dry-hump your “friend” on the dance floor.  Nor do you make out with her face. Luz, 21, got down and dirty on the dance floor with Costa, a 31 year old lingerie model, while Madonna, 50, was no where to be found.  Luz is denying all claims of infidelity and states “that there is nothing going on between Luciana and I.”  That’s what they all say!

The odd couple, Madonna being almost 30 years older than Jesus, has experienced speculation from the get-go.  Socially, it’s completely normal and widely accepted for an older man to date a younger woman.  However, when the reverse happens it never fails to strike up controversy, as it has in regards to Madonna’s relationship with Jesus.  Sorry, if that isn’t “fair,” but it’s the truth.

Personally, If I was a dude, I would want my woman young and fresh, no offense Madonna.  Apparently, it seems that Jesus feels the same way that I do.  Even though Luciana is still 10 years older than the male model, that sure as hell beats a 30 year age gap.  My advice to Jesus, who obviously has a thing for older women, is to stick to finding some younger ladies.  I mean,  do you really want to date a woman who is probably as old if not older than your mom?  I think not.

Funny Valentines Day Card

11 02 2009

When you’re single, Valentine’s Day can be such a headache.  It begins with the onslaught of advertisements selling you romance, chocolates, expensive jewelry, and the sappiest items imaginable.  The whole idea is to convince you that you are sad and lonely if you are not buying somebody flowers.

Thankfully, the good humored folks at OnlineBootyCall.com offer singles the anti-Valentines Day approach, not just by encouraging members to date casually, but also by letting you ask an important question this Valentines holiday:

Will you be my booty call?

Will You Be My Booty Call?

Will You Be My Booty Call?

This is your chance as a single, to invite other singles to join the fun!  Best of luck to all the singles this Saturday for V-day, perhaps this Valentine’s ecard can help you meet that special someone haha..

OnlineBootyCall.com, John Legend & Estelle Party

17 01 2009

OnlineBootyCall.com invited us out to their afterparty in San Diego for John Legend and Estelle’s Birthday.  The place (Stingaree) was packed, it was a total blast and my god, so may hot girls!  There’s pic of Moses and Estelle below from the party and Bossip did a little article too.

We have to say, although we’re a bit biased here, that it’s so great to see an online dating site like OnlineBootyCall.com expanding the casual dating scene.  Their awesome parties are a much welcomed contrast from eharmony’s stuffy, fumpy and boring approach to dating.

If anyone wants to see some better pics of John Legend, Moses Brown & Estelle, check out the pro’s from wireimage

It was great to have some celebs in SD that really know how to party!  Estelle and John Legend sang and the ladies went wild, which was, Awesome!

Moses Brown, OnlineBootyCall.com and Estelle

Moses Brown, OnlineBootyCall.com and Estelle


John Legend & Moses Brown, OnlineBootyCall.com

We got some great video at the party too, but I’ll have to put that up after I detox for a bit haha….

Online Booty Call Commercial

21 11 2008

OBC does it again. This time they are running commercials, late night of course, and we can’t help but chuckle at their efforts. As always, OnlineBootyCall keeps it comical and sexy. Enjoy!


13 11 2008

Dating can be lonely, when things don’t go well for you.. Click on the comic strip below to see where the story leads..

Dating Can Be Lonely..

Dating Can Be Lonely..

Cheating Women Are On the Rise

12 11 2008

Men are traditionally the most likely to cheat in a relationship, but a recent study has discovered that the number of women who are willing to admit to an affair has recently been increasing. Marriages occurring in the last five to ten years have shown a rising number of extramarital affairs initiated by women.

One surprising explanation is the rise of connectivity due to technology. As the New York Times observes:

“married women are more likely to spend late hours at the office and travel on business. And even for women who stay home, cellphones, e-mail and instant messaging appear to be allowing them to form more intimate relationships, marriage therapists say. Dr. Frank Pittman, an Atlanta psychiatrist who specializes in family crisis and couples therapy, says he has noticed more women talking about affairs centered on “electronic” contact.”

The advent of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, and even micro-blogging sites like Twitter, not to mention basic tools like email and instant messaging, have all facilitated the ability of people, and in this case women, to develop and maintain romantic liaisons outside of their marriage.

Another important factor to consider is that married women are no longer staying at home, isolated from contact with other men.  Women are out there staying late at the office, having lunch with coworkers, just like men regularly do.  In a way it’s indicative of the  closing gap between men and women in the work place and at home.

It will be surprising to see how this trend continues to develop….

Overweight Is the New Blond

5 11 2008

Overweight Is The New Blond

Image via Jezebel

Image via Jezebel.com

Jezebel brings to our attention a surprising story:

“a new study shows that overweight women are actually having more heterosexual sex than women of “normal” weight.”

The study, conducted by the University of Hawaii and Oregon State, discovered this unexpected trend in sexual relationships between women of different body mass index measurements.  Although there is no clear explanation of the results, it helps clear the bias that slim women are the ones getting all the action.

One of the researchers commented:

“Ninety-two percent of overweight women reported having a history of sexual intercourse with a man, as opposed to 87 percent of women with a normal body mass index.

Looks like blonds aren’t the ones getting all the attention nowadays.

Is being overweight the new blond?

Top Iraqi Dating Site

28 10 2008

Looks like our favorite site www.OnlineBootyCall.com is kicking some ass.  They’re currently the top dating site in Iraq, thanks of course to the soldiers.  Get the full story and click below:


Online Dating and Sex Drive

23 10 2008

Online dating is full of surprises and exaggerations. Just like the protagonist in the upcoming movie Sex Drive, people love to stretch the truth in their dating profiles. Josh Zuckerman stars as an 18 year old virgin who lies in his dating profile in order to impress a ‘hottie’ he met online.  It’s obvious he is completely unathletic, but he claims he can bench press 300lbs.. haha..

Lying in online dating profiles is common.  An overweight couch surfer will claim to be athletic because he can bowl a score of 270. Women on the other hand, will cloak their age and weight with plenty of euphemisms. In the end, everyone has the same goal:  appear as attractive and successful as possible.

People feel pressured to lie because they believe that once they meet the person offline, a connection can be made to compensate for any deficient qualities.  It’s even worse when the person is sexually inexperienced, desperately trying to leave “virgin territory.”

This concept of awkward virgins has been explored in various films like American Pie or more appropriately, The 40 Year Old Virgin, and all of them have brought success to the box office. You can watch the first ten minutes of the film at SexDriveTheMovie.com.

So far the previews deliver a good dose of comedy. We’ll see if they can hold that momentum throughout the flick.  In the mean time, don’t lie too much in your online dating profiles.  We know half of dating is an intricate game of half-truths, but don’t set yourself up for failure.  Keep it real!