5 Worst Colleges To Have a Booty Call

1 09 2009

Summer is almost over! College students all over the United States are heading back to campus but, that doesn’t mean that the party’s over. In fact, it’s just getting started.

One of the best things about going back to school is surveying the campus for prospective hook-ups. However, nothing is worse than realizing that those prospects are less than plentiful.

OnlineBootyCall.com has got you covered. They have compiled a list of the 5 Worst Colleges to Have a Booty Call. Unless you are a fan of abstinence, you may want avoid these schools and head for OBC’s list of the top 10 Booty Call Universities.

Worst 5 Colleges To Have a Booty Call

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Jon and Kate’s Televised Divorce

2 07 2009

These reality television parents have been the talk of the tabloids ever since their marriage of 10 years hit a downward spiral.  What began as innocent and inevitable arguments and disagreements that all couples experience, especially a couple that has 8 children, has become much more as Jon and Kate can’t quite seem to kiss and make up.  What with the allegations of Jon cheating on Kate with a younger woman, and the increasing tension between the two on and off the air, unfortunately, a reconciliation doesn’t seem to be in the cards for them.

In fact, as of Monday the couple has made the decision to solidify their separation and file for divorce.  While this decision will end their 10 year marriage, it apparently will not put an end to the filming of their show on TLC, Jon & Kate Plus Eight.  The ex-couple have agreed to continue filming the show as they go through their divorce, but just do so on an individual basis.  Kate will film separately from Jon and visa verse.

Personally, this decision seems a bit selfish and invasive, especially when their 8 adorable children are involved.  Divorce is a very private and sensitive matter and in choosing to broadcast it for the world to critique and analyze, they are only asking for even more drama and problems to surface.

Sadly, i do have to admit that it will make for great television and I wouldn’t be surprised if the shows ratings skyrocket.

The Different Types of Casual Sex

20 05 2009

Sex is AMAZING…or at least it should be!  It releases endorphins,  reduces stress, torches major calories, promotes better sleeping habits, and feels f**king fantastic!  Sex should be something you can enjoy on a regular basis.  I’m talking daily… none of this every couple of months stuff!  Just because you aren’t in a committed relationship doesn’t mean that your sex life has to suffer.  Get what you want and deserve..whenever you want it…no matter what your relationship situation may be.

Casual sex (with partners whom you are not in a committed relationship with) is extremely popular and prevalent today in the world of singles.  There are numerous situations in which casual sex can occur.  Some of the most common are booty call sex and ex-sex, but trust me there are tons more.  Here is a short list of some of the different types of casual sex situations.  Let me know if you have any to add to the list 🙂

1.) Mercy Sex

Definition: Sex with someone whom you feel particularly bad for.  Maybe this person has been in love with you since the third grade and you are sick of the constant nagging or maybe this person just went through a traumatizing life experience… Whatever the reason may be, you feel sorry for them and therefore (after probably a few too many vodka sodas) decided to do the damn thing and write it off as an act of charity or your good deed of the day.

2.) Palate Cleansing Sex

Definition: Palate cleansing sex or rebound sex is used to rid yourself and your body of a previous sexual partner.  Maybe your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend and you are looking to do someone else in attempt to get back or get over it.  Or maybe you had the most horrific sex of your entire life and you just need to get that bad taste out of your mouth.  My only advice for this type of sex is to make sure that it is pretty great, or else you will feel even worse than you did before.

3.)  Hate Sex

Definition: This is the passionate, crazy, aggressive, angry sex that often occurs when a couple is breaking up or when an argument has surfaced.  A perfect example of this type of sex is from the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have the hottest most passionate sex ever.  This is probably not the healthiest form of casual sex (because there are usually a lot of emotions involved), but hey…sometimes it makes you feel better to get all of that aggression out by having a hard core romp.

4.)  Drive-thru Sex

Definition: This is the McDonald’s of casual sex.  Basically, this is the get it and go type of sex that is fast and to the point.  No cuddling or pillow talk required.  You are there for one reason and one reason only.  This quickie can be super exciting and spontaneous because the sex can occur in random places or locations..such as office stairwells, restaurant bathrooms, and parking structures.  So use your imagination and have some fun with this one ;).

5.)  Booty Call Sex

Definition: This is my personal favorite :).  It can really be defined in any way you want and is based on personal expectations.  A booty call can be someone who you are extremely attracted to and enjoy having sex with.  The encounter can be just sex, or can include dinner, conversation, and friendship.  Again, the expectations are up to you, so get your line up going and get some booty!

Sex Myths Solved !

5 05 2009

Okay, so it’s a given that we have all been confronted at one point or another with questions about sex.  Whether you knew the answer, pretended you knew it, or had absolutely no clue… it is never too late to learn a little more about the highly discussed three letter word.

So here it goes… five sex myths that are finally set straight.  Get out your pen and paper or make a mental note, cause you wont want to forget this…

Myth #1:  Men want sex more than women do.

The Verdict:  FALSE!

This is a long-lived myth that is completely untrue.  Yes, men are usually the ones to initiate sex or to casually bring it up in conversation..but that is definitely not always the case.  Trust me, girls talk about sex, think about sex, and have sex just as much as men do…if not more.  It used to be socially unacceptable for women to be viewed as “sexual beings,” but the times are changing and women are becoming much more comfortable and confident in the realm of sex.  Another reason why it may seem that men want sex more than women is because men are much more mechanical than women when it comes to feelings associated with sex.  Often times women group emotions and sex in the same category, so if we are mad, hurt, or annoyed at a guy, we are less likely to want to have sex with him.  Guys on the other hand, usually don’t have any problem with separating emotions from sex.

Myth #2:  Size Doesn’t matter

The Verdict: FALSE!

Sorry boys, but it’s the truth.  Size does matter…A LOT!  I mean, come on..let’s be honest.  As much as it may not be fair to some, the size of a man makes a huge difference to women…especially in terms of sexual attraction and desire.  If you were ever told by a girl that size doesn’t matter…sorry, but they were totally lying to you and were just trying to make you feel better.  I’m gonna be real ( call me a bitch if you want), but some body’s gotta be the honest one.  A man can be physically attractive, great body, funny, kind, loving, etc…but if their manhood is lacking…there is guaranteed to be some level of a let down.  I’m not saying that you can’t please a woman without a huge package..but, you better be really good at “other things” if you are lacking in the size department.

Myth # 3:  Men reach their sexual peak at 18 and woman reach theirs at 28

The Verdict:  TRUE!

Yes, this information is true and it gives us ladies a great excuse for dating younger men!…haha.  Men reach their sexual peak about 10 years earlier than women do.  However, just because a man or woman’s hormone levels may be at an all time high doesn’t mean that they are going to have the best sex.  Peak hormones and peak sexual performance are not the same thing.  My advice is to strive to have the best sex all the time..no matter what age you are :).

Myth #4:  The average erection measures 8 inches

The Verdict:  FALSE

Don’t stress shorty, that is not an accurate number.  Unfortunately, average Joe’s erection only measures 6 inches…not 8.  6 seems to be the magic number and as long as you are close by…you can rest assured that the majority of other guys are right there with you.  However, may I point out that they don’t make any 6 inch dildo’s…just saying.

Myth # 5:  Having sex before an important event can ruin your performance in the event

The Verdict:  FALSE!

Thank God!  Whether you are playing in that Championship game or giving the speech of a lifetime, you don’t have to worry about whether or not having sex before the “big day” is going to mess with your performance.  This myth has been studied through stress tests and results have shown that 10 hours after sex, you are fully recovered and performance is not effected what-so-ever.  There is only an extremely slight dip in performance 2 hours after having sex…but not enough to matter.  So next time you contemplate getting down before that ever-so-important event, think again and go for it. You never know, it might even help you out!

8 Great Reasons for Staying Single

17 04 2009

Being single allows a person to have total control over what and who they want to do 😉  It is a time in one’s life where you can afford to be as selfish as you like because you don’t have to worry about anyone but yourself.  An unattached individual encompasses the feelings of freedom, independence, sovereignty, and power.  For some, single-hood becomes a way of life that  is much more comfortable and enjoyable than being attached in a committed relationship.  Whether you are a lifetime single or someone who is fresh and new to this way of life…embrace it because it sure has a lot to offer!…

We are witnessing a major trend in the growth of the US singles population as more people are choosing to wait longer before settling down and getting married.   Maybe this trend correlates to the increasing US divorce rate or maybe being single is just so much fun that people are making it a way of life.  Whatever the reason, people are loving and living the single life.  Here is my list of some of the best reasons to stay single…

1.)  You get to do WHAT you want, WHEN you want…

You never have to ask if it’s OK for you to go on that vacation, call that person, or buy that thing.  Every single decision you make is up to you and you alone.  No need to worry about what the other person is going to think.

2.)  You get to take your sweet time…

Marriage is a HUGE commitment, a life-time deal, a wake up in bed next to the same person every day for the rest of your life decision.  Take your time!  When you are single, you won’t have to worry about having someone constantly harassing you about “the next step” or the “L” word.  You get to go at your own pace and enjoy every minute of it.

3.)  If the SEX is boring…you can do it with someone else!

If you think that waking up next to the same person for the rest of your life is bad…imagine how scary it could be to have sex with that same one person…and nobody else…forever!  AHHH! If that thought freaks you out, then you are definitely better of being single.  If you sleep with someone and it sucks…go sleep with someone else.  If you are sleeping with someone who gains a hefty 15 pounds and it becomes a little too much cushion for the pushing…then ditch the fatty!  That’s the joy of having no commitment…you can leave whenever you want.

4.)  You can focus on your CAREER

Yup!  This is a biggie!  Without the pressure and stresses of a commitment to another person, you can focus solely on yourself…this means it’s time to start getting your shit together.  A career…especially in the current economic situation…is extremely important!  So go tackle that new job or apply to graduate school…it’s all up to you!

5.) You can build your WEALTH

Heck Yes you can!  We all know how expensive it can be to have a significant other…especially if that “other” is a woman who loves shopping 🙂  When you only have to worry about your own expenses, you will be able to put a lot more money away in savings.

6.) You can keep all of your TOYS and Quirks

OK, for the men…if you don’t have a woman in your life, then you have a lot more room and time for your “toys.”  I’m talking about cars, boats, video games, and whatever else sparks your fancy.  As for the ladies, you can keep your pink wallpaper and barbie collection dolls without a single word being said.  And in regards to quirks…when you are single you can sleep, talk, walk, burp, and eat in any manner you want.  You don’t have to deal with someone constantly picking and analyzing every little thing you do or don’t do.

7.)  You can enjoy serenity

Ahhh Yes!  Although being single can bring on some pretty wild and crazy moments, at the end of the day, you get to go home to your own room, with your own bed, and watch your own TV shows.  You get to enjoy your independence and what an empowering thing that can be!

8.)  You don’t EVER have to compromise

Never again do you have to “meet in the middle” or “give in” just because you have to make sure that the other person is happy.  Being single is all about you, you, you.  If you want to do something, do it, and don’t ever feel bad about it.

This is your life…and you only have one to live, so live it…and keep it SINGLE!

Top Celebrity Divorces of 2008

16 04 2009

I have decided to compiled a list of the top 5 celebrity divorces of 2008.  Those crazy celebs always seem to provide us with enough drama to last a lifetime, especially when it comes to their relationships.  Staying together is hard enough in any situation let alone in Hollywood where you are criticized, judged, watched, and tempted by anything and anyone around you.

The star studded life of these tinsel towners may seem glamorous, but their disastrous relationships seem to prove otherwise.  The list I have compiled contains both newly married couples as well as those who have been together for centuries.  No matter what the reason for the split…they all ended in divorce.  Maybe we can learn something from these A-Lister’s and chose wisely next time we think about the “M” word.

Here they are…

1.) Eddie Murphy & Tracy Edmund:

This lovely marriage only lasted for a measly two weeks.  Pretty pathetic, if you ask me!  They must have had a really bad honeymoon (aka bad sex).

2.) Madonna & Guy Richie:

Rumors circulated around this high-powered couple for over a year, expressing a possible breakup.  Madge was even accused of having an affair with Baseballer stud, Alex Rodriguez.  Weather the rumors were true or not, the couple did decide to end their marriage after being together for 7.5 years.

3.) Morgan Freedman & Myrna Colley-Lee:

It definitely seemed like this couple was going to make it all the way…but, they feel short.  Things between the two seemed to get pretty rocky following a serious car crash that Freedman was involved in.  After dating for 8 years and being married for another 24, the couple decided to call it quits.

4.) Robin William & Marsha Garces:

This couple met in an interesting fashion.  Garces, who started out as the nanny for William’s son, became his wife for 20 years.  They had two children together and decided to go their own separate ways after filing for irreconcilable differences.  Maybe William’s has a new nanny that he has fallen for?

5.) Pink & Carey Hart:

This punk rocker and her hubby of two years decided to call it quits after coming to terms that they were just “better off as friends.”  Sometimes the chemistry just dies, and without that passion for each other, a relationship can get really shallow and boring!

I hope you all enjoy this list and please let me know if there are any other celeb couples that I missed.  Also, does anyone have any ideas on who the top divorced Hollywood couples of 2009 will be?  Let’s start taking bets!

The Craziest Reasons to get Divorced

15 04 2009


Before any of you decide to lock it up and commit your life to that “special someone,” you may want to consider some of the most bizarre and unusual reasons that can prompt a divorce.  Marriage is already complicated enough between balancing finances, kids, decisions, morals, values, jobs, sex, and everything else that this life throws at us, but, I’m pretty sure that you never thought you had to consider these “problems and issues” before considering marriage.

And I thought that divorce usually followed  infidelity and irreconcilable differences…

Check out the following “legitimate” reasons for filing divorces  from all around the world…

1.  In Canada, if a man snored too loud and his wife was able to prove it, she could successfully file for a divorce.

That’s a sure reason for Canadian men to invest in those anti-snoring devices!

2.  In Italy, household chores, such as dish-washing, can be serious enough to bring up the discussion of divorce.

Why doesn’t the couple just hire a maid if it is that big of an issue?

3.  In Japan, sleeping in an “unacceptable ” position is grounds for a divorce.

Wow, the poor Japanese can’t even relax when they are sleeping!

4.  According to the Manu Law, an Indian male had the right to “switch out or swap” his wife if she did not bear him any children after the 8Th year of marriage.  These men could also “dump” their wives for someone else if she only gave birth to female children after 11 years of marriage.

Congrats! You just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl….and your husband is leaving you!  What a memorable experience.

5.)  In England a simple act of “vandalism, ” whether it is intentional or not, can be a completely legitimate reason to ask for a divorce.

Watch out ladies!…make sure you don’t wash your hubby’s favorite white tee with colored clothes and accidentally dye it pink… or else… you might just find yourself divorced.

All I can say is WOW!  No wonder the divorce rate is so freaking high…you can practically divorce someone for any possible reason!  What’s next… approving a divorce if your hair starts turning gray?  You never know….better start stocking up on that hair dye just in case 😉

Mel Gibson: The man behind the worlds most expensive divorce

14 04 2009

OK, so we are all well aware of the fact that in Hollywood, marriage, relationships, and really all commitments between two people of any kind, do not seem to last long. However, if for some miracle  it does last longer than a few months (or weeks), the ending is sure to be no fairy tale.

Let’s take a look at A-Lister and world-renounced big screen actor, director, and producer, Mr. Mel Gibson. This money making mogul is estimated to be worth around $1 billion! His movie, The Passion of the Christ, (that he both directed and produced), pulled in $600 million in the box office alone!

So, what is the only problem with being that rich…?

Going through a divorce from a 28 year-long marriage with NO prenup.  Ouch!

Yup! Looks like Mel Gibson is going to lose half of his earnings (or $500 million) to his soon to be ex-wife, Robyn Moore. The couple has 7 kids together and have been married since 1980. Moore, who is very-low profile, is about to be an extremely wealthy and single lady…

So if you’re looking for a sugar mama, she might just be the perfect candidate ;).

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder…

10 04 2009

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, unfortunately, this is not the case in every relationship… Especially when it comes to the long distance marriage between Billy Joel and wife Katie Lee.  For this couple, distance in fact makes the eyes wander…or at least Katie’s eyes.

Billy Joel’s crazy tour schedule keeps him away from his bombshell wife for months at a time.  However, it doesn’t seem like Katie is too upset at his absence.  Instead of missing her hubby and eagerly awaiting his return from tour, Katie is embracing her “alone” time by hanging out and getting down with another man.

36 year old Yigal Azrouel has been Katie’s designer and close “friend” for over a year now.  The two have become extremely close in the time that Joel has been on tour and have been seen out together on multiple occasions.

In the beginning, Joel just thought that the two were really good friends and was happy that Katie had found a companion to keep her occupied while he was away.  Humm..well I guess Yigal really did occupy her…in the bedroom.

Billy has not made any final decisions as to whether or not he is going to give his two-timing woman a second chance,  or ditch her to find another 20-something year old.  Either way, again, Hollywood gives us yet another great example as to why MARRIAGE CAN WAIT!

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson call it quits!

7 04 2009

Another Hollywood couple has decided to go their own separate ways…and is all i can say is, “it’s about time!”

No, this is not the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston type, tear jerk-er break up…Not even close.

When I think about Lindsay Lohan and her leading lesbian lady, Samantha Ronson, I shake my head disapprovingly.  The tumultuous couple has shocked thousands, if not millions of people from the very beginning.  How the relationship lasted so long, I have no idea…but now that it has come to an end, we can all sleep better at night.

The reason behind the break up?  Lohan has decided to take the focus off of her drama-filled relationship and into herself.  That is probably the best idea yet.  In a short sentence Lindsay sums it all up for us…

“We are taking a brief break so I can focus on myself.”

Lohan definitely should be selfish and focus all efforts on herself…and hopefully, for the sake of everyone, the break up will not be brief, but infinite.