, John Legend & Estelle Party

17 01 2009 invited us out to their afterparty in San Diego for John Legend and Estelle’s Birthday.  The place (Stingaree) was packed, it was a total blast and my god, so may hot girls!  There’s pic of Moses and Estelle below from the party and Bossip did a little article too.

We have to say, although we’re a bit biased here, that it’s so great to see an online dating site like expanding the casual dating scene.  Their awesome parties are a much welcomed contrast from eharmony’s stuffy, fumpy and boring approach to dating.

If anyone wants to see some better pics of John Legend, Moses Brown & Estelle, check out the pro’s from wireimage

It was great to have some celebs in SD that really know how to party!  Estelle and John Legend sang and the ladies went wild, which was, Awesome!

Moses Brown, and Estelle

Moses Brown, and Estelle


John Legend & Moses Brown,

We got some great video at the party too, but I’ll have to put that up after I detox for a bit haha….

Alec on Kissing Aniston

18 11 2008


I think my love affair for Jennifer Aniston started when she was in the movie Office Space.  I also think that movie really solidified my distaste for cubicals, but that’s another post.  I can’t say that Brad was a fool for going for Angalina, but I must say that Jennifer is one amazing woman.

Anyway in my daily cruising around the web, I came across this little story from New York Magazine which gives Alec’s thoughts on Kissing Aniston, who played a crazy lover on an episode of 30 Rock.

Alec also talks a bit about if crazy people are great lovers or not.  The short of it:  girls = yes, guys = no.

If you’re single and want to find other local singles try

Simpsons on Marriage

12 11 2008

I don’t think I need to go into the long running history of the Simpsons. I grew up with the show and still love it. It has for many years made Sundays with my own family much more enjoyable, even to the point of being able to tolerate them.

With that said, Homer and Marge haven’t always had the easiest marriage. After all, Homer is pretty much a big goof-ball. This last episode covered some of the more rocky parts of their marriage and was yet another awesome Simpsons episode. Anyone can guess how all the issues worked out, but it’s still an important reminder of the real issues we all (cartoons and humans) face in marriage.

Worth the watch if you’ve got nothing better to do. Check it out here on Hulu.


Top Iraqi Dating Site

28 10 2008

Looks like our favorite site is kicking some ass.  They’re currently the top dating site in Iraq, thanks of course to the soldiers.  Get the full story and click below:

Marky Mark on Marriage

23 10 2008

Now that we’ve been at this blog for a minute, I’ve come to realize just how much attention celebrity relationships get. I don’t think all the attention is unwarranted. Celebrity relationships are usually interesting, especially so, because a great many of them end in total disaster. This helps to explain their special place in the public eye. Right up there along side train wrecks.

Mark Wahlberg may prove however to be the exception to the rule. (we’re open to taking bets on this). He has announced his engagement and wedding next summer to his long time girl-friend and mother of his children Rhea Durham.

What we found unique about this announcement was that Wahlberg included reasons as to why he was ready for marriage and how he thinks marriage will improve their relationship.

“I wasn’t prepared to be married – I don’t care who it was – at [age] 20 or 30,” said Wahlberg. But now, he says, he’s ready for “committing to really making it work constantly and all the other things that go into building a solid foundation.”

People Magazine gives the full story with all the details on how Wahlberg plans to change his life as he prepares for marriage and the new responsibility.

There’s no guarantee how the marriage will turn out, but we want to give credit where credit is due. Mark Wahlberg, great job on waiting to get married until you had shown to yourself, and those that mattered most, that you had earned the responsibility and you were ready to commit to it!

If you’re not like Mark and still want to be free and wild, we suggest you check out, where singles actually enjoy being single!

Madonna’s Split A Good Warning

17 10 2008

I’ve heard this advice several times, “you want for your life to be an example to others, not a warning.” Madonna and Ritchie’s recent split a.k.a legal filing for divorce, stands as a strong warning on how things can go very bad in marriage.

The link will take you to The Telegraph’s article on Madonna’s oppressive and rigid rules and just down unattractive actions. I mean really!?! Sleeping on a vat full of creams each night? I can hear it now “so sorry baby I’m not in the mood, since I’m already wrapped in a sack full of creamy crap.”

Then good ‘ol guy rolls over bummed out, thinking: “we’ll I’ll just turn on the tube for a minute.” Guess what? WRONG! Not in Madonna’s house! No TV for you sir. How freaking miserable.

So let yet another disastrous celebrity marriage stand as good warning! Please, take your time and proceed with caution as you approach marriage!

Stay Single and Have More Fun! Go Check out Find some Booty in Your Area!

Online Dating Wingman

15 10 2008

For guys dabbling with online dating, writing good messages is the biggest stumbling block to meeting women. Any time you see a cute profile picture of a female, the dreaded next step is to compose a message to spark a conversation. Just like walking up to a girl at a bar, it can be unnerving to compose a message to send to an attractive girl.

Guys need help from Cyrano de Bergerac, the trusty wordsmith and noble wingman of playwright history. Although he is disfigured by a large nose, Cyrano is a hopeless romantic who helps his friend Christian conquer the lovely Roxanne, the love of Cyrano’s life. How does he do this?

Imagine the famous Romeo and Juliet balcony scene (Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?), but when Romeo appears before Juliet, he has a wingman hiding in the shadows below, whispering the most poetic lyrics he can come up with so Romeo can charm Juliet. That’s what Cyrano did for his friend Christian. He made him eloquent, confident, seductive. Now that’s a wingman for you, completely selfless.

Cyrano De Bergerac - Wingman of Lore

Cyrano De Bergerac - Wingman of Lore

There needs to be an online dating wingman service out there for guys. If there was a team of selfless Cyranos willing to help other men meet the women of their dreams, then online dating would be dramatically more effective. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this service offered somewhere. There is a huge demand for it when it comes to traditional dating sites.

Perhaps Marriage Can Wait will need to start a support group to help men collaborate on these type of issues. An announcement will have to be made. VIRTUAL WINGMEN NEEDED!

Come back to check with us and see how this idea develops! We might be onto something here ;0)

Nailin Palin – The Movie

13 10 2008

A Sarah Palin porn movie?

Lisa Ann as Sarah Palin

Lisa Ann as Sarah Palin

First it was the phoshopped pictures of Palin, then came the SNL skit, followed by the blow up doll, and now we have a spin off adult film starring a Sarah Palin look-alike. Palin continues to inspire spoofs across all sectors of the media.

This time, it is Hustler’s Larry Flint who hired porn star actress Lisa Ann to impersonate Palin. Although details have yet to be confirmed, it’s been mentioned (BlogHer) that the plot will feature a pair of Russian neighbors and a threesome scene with Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice imitators.

The Palin sex craze has grown more ridiculous as this presidential campaign has progressed. John McCain’s campaign received a boost from Palin’s controversial PR exposure, but this Palin porn movie surely won’t make them any happier.

The question now remains: who will up the ante, and will anyone outdo this movie?

Dating Again for Those with Kids

13 10 2008

Dating again after a long-term relationship has ended can seem crazy scary for some. It’s even more difficult for those of us with children. When you have kids, you not only worry if your date will fit your needs, but in the back of your mind you also wish they make a good fit for your kids. All of this is further complicated if the other parent of your children (your ex) is still involved in their life, and by default, in yours.

The Detriot Free Press offers some great advice on starting your love life again. It’s a good read if you have kids or if you’re going to start dating someone who does.

“WOW Baby that was Wild, Now Get OUT!”

10 10 2008

So it appears that married couples want to get busy and yet still have their space! That’s right the “quickie” is moving to a whole new level. Married couples are  sleeping apart more and more these days, but still having sex together.

Looks like’s First Commandment for booty calls, “Thou shalt get out before the sun rises,” works for married peeps too!

The Huffington Post has posted a short article reviewing this growing trend and has some great stats too. We’re stunned to see that people are actually having homes built with two separate master bedrooms! And we have to wonder, does it make the sex any better?